Advance Your Capacity To Lead-

An Education Leader’s Course Series

Become a change management lead within your organisation -

  • Enhance your understanding of human development

  • Develop your application of leadership theory as an authentic leader

  • Understand and mature your organisation’s culture

  • Nurture your workforce and organisation through aligned values

  • Progress through your own change management project to lead effective and sustainable change within your organisation

  • Build a cutting-edge and effective strategic plan for your organisation and all stakeholders

Teams, Culture, Strategy and You

Our courses progress through 3 distinct areas for considering change: self, collective and integrated systems.


For leaders seeking to understand themselves so that they can deliver on their biggest aspirations, take advantage of new opportunities or adapt for new challenges.

This course offers a guide to human development principles enabling leaders to advance their leadership performance through a deeper understanding of themselves as individuals.

Next cohort starts April 2025

Cost: TBC


Understanding the building blocks to designing a positive climate and culture which underpins effective growth and implementation of our teams, resources and networks.

We work with you to close the gap between what you aspire to change and what your team are capable of.

Launching April 2025

Cost: TBC

Integrated Systems

A clear and conscious mapping process for the purpose, vision, mission, aims and strategic pillars of the organisation that are locally specific but globally informed.

We work with you to identify the stage of development individuals, teams and the organisation is a whole is at, and therefore prioritise and dynamically problem solve change management on a wider scale to design, implement and review an effective and innovative strategy for your organisation.

Launching April 2025

Cost: TBC

Do you have a team of 10+ staff you would specifically like to run as a cohort?

We have bespoke options available for that!

Advance Your Leadership Repertoire

Do you want to innovate your organisation to give students a better educational experience and also the knowledge, skills and tools to flourish as adults?

Do you want to improve collaboration within your team to drive best practice?

Are you in a position to implement effective change but not sure where to start?

Our ‘Advance Your Capacity To Lead’ Courses are your maps to becoming a high performing leader in change management for your organisation.

Learn how to design and implement effective change that is scalable and sustainable through our blended learning courses.

Course Series Overview

What will you learn across the course series?

Advance your leadership capacity through deepening your understanding of human development principles, application of leadership theory and change management strategy. Practically apply principles within your work context to effectively lead your team in implementing sustainable change within your organisation.

Key topics:

  • Your leadership values profile

  • Human development principles

  • Leadership theory

  • Change management models

  • Living your mission, vision and values

  • Tools and resources for measuring and monitoring organisational maturity and project impact

  • Leading your team through change management

  • Understanding and moving on from resistances

  • Evidencing meaningful action research

  • Navigating leadership

  • Leading change, creating energy and building motivation

  • Effective strategy development, implementation, review and development

How will you learn?

Our approach:

  • Cohort based, therefore you will progress with the same group of learners

  • Course length and time commitments vary according to the course

  • Blended learning including live virtual workshops and self-paced learning

  • Two 1:1 coaching sessions with one of our professional coaches (course dependent)

  • Discussions and feedback for implementation of principles and tools within your personal context

Core activities (course dependent):

  • Reflective journal

  • Personal development map

  • Change management project specific to your role and organisation

  • Organisational maturity diagnostic tools

  • Long and short term strategy for your organisation with key performance indicators

  • Research review (collaborative activity)

Who is this course series for?

This programme is designed for educators in senior positions within their organisation who are looking to:

  • Develop their leadership skills and capacity

  • Lead change within their organisation

  • Innovate education

  • Grow their organisation’s culture

  • Transform the systems and operations within their team and organisation

  • Build a coherent, innovative and effective strategy that is adopted by all stakeholders

man wearing glasses, smiling at the camera with arms crossed

What do you gain?

icon: single person

For yourself:

  • Enhanced capacity and confidence to lead your team through a deeper understanding of human development principles and influences

  • A better understanding your own values and motivators and how you can incorporate these authentically within your role

  • Facilitated application of theory and principles within your change management project

  • A change management toolkit

icon: 3 figures, one with hand raised

For your students:

  • Application of human performance principles for all learners of all ages and stages of development

  • Integration of human principles into existing curriculums and cultures

icon: a team

For your team:

  • Clarity on direction and the steps to get there

  • A set of frameworks to better understand themselves and use a shared language to enhance communication and challenge

  • Drive energy and motivation for enhanced engagement, behaviour and performance

icon: cycle

For your organisation:

  • Clarification of vision and strategy

  • Innovative, scalable and sustainable change projects to benefit key stakeholders